“Follow your Own Northern Star, Jin!”

A voice says, a hand pointing up, a lotus-shaped bright object rising up in high speed, reaching the sky high.Then I woke up, thrilled and relieved at the same time.

More than a dream for me it was, although we do get inspirations from astral plane. It was a confirmation, signposting an achievement that meant so much to me. I knew at that moment that, I finally got somewhere.


” Create your own belief system Jin!”

Highlighted, over and over again, this statement jumped out when flipping through my journals of past decades, the deepest yearning of mine, the hope that kept me going.

religious dogma,
societal conditioning,
culture segmentation,
educational restriction,
political cohesion,
upbringing programming,
ancestral debris…..

layers and layers of masks we wear all through our lives, we follow authorities, traditions, cultures, gurus,…we obey, we please, we conform, we fit in…

Are those masks, those learned personalities really me?
But then why was I screaming for help inside despite of many ” successes” in life?… why did I feel suffocated despite of all the efforts to break out?…


All those programming and conditioning can be deeply rooted in our energetic systems, down to the smallest particle of our cells. Thus require works of clearing, healing, activation on many angles, aspects and depths, in order to be thoroughly removed.

The clarity and peace I felt with Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation, gave me hope that I could walk my own way out, by following the path laid out by the Mystery School.

Luckily with Mystery School, various healing modalities are available, as we are indeed each a complicated being. So I am aided in my own efforts of deprogramming and healing myself.

Luckily with Mystery School, no one ever just tells me the answers to my many questions, instead, I was given tools, for me to figure that out myself, so the answer is my own, sprung from my own inner being.

Luckily with Mystery School, activations and initiations not only raise one’s vibration, but also keep it at the high level, it stays high.


The big Aha moment, the breakthrough, that dream came while I was half way through receiving the King Salomon’s Healing Modality on Mind Region, 4 years in the Mystery School walking on the path. It may be longer or shorter for someone else, we each are very different.

King Salomon Healing Modality Mind Region is a 3500 years old healing modality, it is the very modality on which Carl Jung based his making of modern psychology, and the very source of many current systems including NLP, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.

I did approach those systems for help prior to Mystery School, used many methods even trained in some,but they didn’t get me anywhere, or the changes didn’t last. Unhappy and unhealthy I was then despite of outward “put-togetherness”; walking around delivering expectations, I was coping as every one else does.

Then why King Salomon Healing Modality did the wonder?


Here is an answer I know is true and for you to consider:


The contemporary science only kept 10% of their origin from King Salomon, but omitted 90% .

While all the activation, initiation, clearing, healing, repairing , training available in the Mystery School, are doing one thing and one thing only: reminding us of our Divine nature, our Eternal and Galactic nature, the limitless gods that we are —-this is the 90%.

With walking on the path diligently, and happen to be receiving the King Salomon Healing Modality Mind Region, more subtle emotional, mental and spiritual fractures, traumas and blocks are cleared, I finally reached that breakthrough of truly knowing that,

I can now find and follow my own northern star, create my own belief system which is sprung my own divine being.

So to live my own life alive while serving others.


Are you following your own Northern Star? Your Own?