What happens after Life Activation?
What happens after receiving a Life Activation? 1> You start to see your life's purpose clearer. Those who would decide to get a Life Activation tend to be people who are already seeking the true meaning of life. The road ahead can suddenly become clearer and...
Follow your own Northern Star
"Follow your Own Northern Star, Jin!" A voice says, a hand pointing up, a lotus-shaped bright object rising up in high speed, reaching the sky high.Then I woke up, thrilled and relieved at the same time. More than a dream for me it was, although we do get inspirations...
the Seek of the Golden Wisdom
My life long search for Golden Wisdom hit the ” jack pot” when I found the Modern Mystery School. Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation started a profound healing process in me, granted me powerful tools to align with higher source, so I have answers to my question, joy in my life and means to serve others!
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